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Modernization of the offer and application process

lT Republic supports Sanitas in modernizing the offer and application process, a central core process in health insurance.

IT challenge:

The offer and application process is triggered by customer interaction. If a customer wants an offer, different sets of rules have to be run through in order to check which products can be offered at which price. If the customer submits the signed offer, the application processing starts, during which an underwriting is used to assess whether any risks can be insured based on the health questions that have been answered.

The offer and application process has so far been implemented as a monolith. This led to various problems:

  • Only four releases per year are possible, so Sanitas struggles with full requirements backlogs

  • The systems are reaching their performance limits

  • The systems are technically outdated and expandability is limited

Our solution:

The monolith is being replaced by a modern microservices architecture based on Spring Boot. Camunda is also used as a process engine, which executes the processes modeled by means of BPMN and checks the sets of rules mapped by means of DMN.


The architecture has various advantages for Sanitas:

  • Time to Market: The architecture allows more frequent releases and Sanitas can react more quickly to changes in the market

  • Automation of manual activities: The modernization project allows the offer and application process to be restructured and manual activities to be automated

  • Online channel: The new solution enables the customer to receive the offer via the online channel and to submit the application there. There are no media breaks and waiting times for the customer

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